- Aminase
- fаминаза
Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Chemie. 2014.
Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Chemie. 2014.
aminase — /am euh nays , nayz /, n. Biochem. any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of amino compounds, releasing the amino group and liberating nitrogen. [AMIN + ASE] * * * … Universalium
Aminase — A|mi|na|se [↑ Amin u. ↑ ase], die; , n: ↑ Aminierung … Universal-Lexikon
aminase — am·i·nase … English syllables
aminase — ˈaməˌnās noun ( s) Etymology: amin + ase : any of a group of enzymes capable of promoting assimilation of ammonia * * * /am euh nays , nayz /, n. Biochem. any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of amino compounds, releasing the… … Useful english dictionary
fumaric aminase — SYN: aspartate ammonia lyase … Medical dictionary
Guanine — One of the four bases in DNA that make up the letters ATGC. Guanine is the G . The others are adenine, cytosine, and thymine. Guanine always pairs with cytosine to form the base pair G C (guanine cytosine) in the DNA. The other base pair in the… … Medical dictionary
Aspartate ammonia-lyase — In enzymology, an aspartate ammonia lyase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:L aspartate ightleftharpoons fumarate + NH3Hence, this enzyme has one substrate, L aspartate, and two products, fumarate and NH3.This… … Wikipedia
Adenine deaminase — In enzymology, an adenine deaminase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:adenine + H2O ightleftharpoons hypoxanthine + NH3Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are adenine and H2O, whereas its two products are… … Wikipedia
Guanosine deaminase — In enzymology, a guanosine deaminase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:guanosine + H2O ightleftharpoons xanthosine + NH3Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are guanosine and H2O, whereas its two products… … Wikipedia
aspartate — A salt or ester of aspartic acid. a. aminotransferase (AST) an enzyme catalyzing the reversible transfer of an amine group from l glutamic acid to oxaloacetic acid, forming α ketoglutaric acid … Medical dictionary
graminacées — [ graminase ] n. f. pl. • 1754; du lat. gramen « herbe » ♦ Bot. Famille de plantes phanérogames angiospermes, appelées aujourd hui poacées, à tige cylindrique (⇒ chaume), à fleurs peu apparentes groupées en épillets, dont l axe porte des bractées … Encyclopédie Universelle